Sunday, June 9, 2013

Postgraduate Programme Induction

Dear Postgraduate Students,

Welcome to UTAR Postgraduate Programmes!
A programme induction will be held on the above date to familiarize you with the facilities and Rules related to your postgraduate studies in UTAR. Though it may take up some of your precious time in a lovely Sunday, but we believe it will be worth your time. We strongly encourage you to attend the  induction in order to make your postgraduate study at UTAR an enjoyable and enriching experience. Please refer to the attached draft programme activities.
Your attendance for the induction programme will be taken for our record.

Kindly confirm whether you will be attending the above induction by replying to me before 05.06.13 (Wednesday), 4.30pm. This will assist us greatly in preparing sufficient refreshment and CDs containing postgraduate handbook for all attendees.

**Pls take note that if there is not enough confirmation on participation, this programme induction  may not be held.

Progress of Study:

There were some information explained by the library in-charge personnel Ms. Uma.
Online book reservation:

Online renewal via OPAC:
Update library account contact details:

Monday, June 3, 2013

MKEG15603 Quantitative Methods Week 2

Week 2 lecture highlights:

01. Measures of Central Tendency
     - mean
     - median
     - mode
02. Measures of Variation
     - range
     - variance
     - standard deviation
     - coefficient of variation
03. Shape of Distribution
     a) Skewness
         - symmetric or skewed
     b) Kurtosis
         - leptokurtic
         - normal
         - platykurtic
04. Covariance
05. Coefficient of Correlation